About Rockers Rescue
Rockers Rescue is located around Shreveport, Louisiana. The non profit was founded in
November of 2015 by Megan DeMoss. Rockers Rescue is dedicated to providing exemplary vetting care, loving foster homes, and finding amazing forever homes for both dogs and cats in need! We focus passionately on saving animals at our local shelters, helping with severe cases and educating the public when possible. Our animals are TREASURED as our own and receive the best of care! We're here to be a stepping stone from unwanted and in need, to forever loved and treasured. We are a 501c3 non profit rescuing both dogs and kitties in need and we have no breed restrictions. We love them all. We function with volunteers so donations FULLY benefit the rescue!

We fall in love with dogs and kitties that are in need. Dirty, scared, malnourished, mange, heartworms, embedded collars, elderly, bottle
feeders, etc. When we pull a dog or cat under our rescue …. they are treated as if they are our own personal pets. They receive ALL vet care. We get them fixed, microchipped, and up to date. We nurture them back to health and we get attached to them. From kittens without a mom, to senior dogs without a hope. We see lots of them evolve from scared and discarded pets to beautiful happy ones. Most go from a high kill shelter with no hope… to a lovely AMAZING pet.
Looking back at them from when we first got them….. and seeing them now…it is
worth every second. We want our adopters to have that same bond with them. We want them to know this isn’t just a dog or kitty… its an amazing pet with a story. They are survivors. One that has been discarded but wants love. They DESERVE love. With the help of others…we can help them! We could not do what we do without fosters and donations. Thank you to those that help us save them. Whether you are in the action of volunteering, donating, or behind a computer sharing posts…it all helps! Not only us…but the lives we are able to save..appreciate it! Please add our Facebook page to keep up with the latest news. See our Donate tab if you would like to help support our mission. Thank you! Enjoy some pictures below of some of our volunteers. Please see our "Frequently Asked Questions" for more information.